The Power of Good Health

I recently heard a great reason for you to look after your health and well-being.

A testimonial from someone who was middle aged, relatively sedentary, overweight, diabetic and had high blood pressure. Their doctor advised them they would need to be on medication to manage their blood pressure and insulin to manage the diabetes.

They had a choice.

Carry on as they were and even with medication managing their various symptoms, effectively 'sit around and wait to die' or ...

Do something about it!

They chose to change. By totally committing to their health and wellbeing. In just 9 weeks:
  • They lost over 20lbs
  • Lowered their blood pressure to that of a much healthier, younger person
  • Dropped several clothing sizes
  • Are no longer diabetic
  • No need of any medication to control either their diabetes or high blood pressure.
They worked 1:1 with a personal trainer who prescribed a programme of diet and exercise, adjusted and modified to their needs and worked with them to achieve these amazing results.

Yes, it takes hard work, dedication and a commitment to change but what would you rather do? Live the rest of your life on prescribed medication with it's own inherent risks and side-effects and not solve the underlying problem? Or take control of your own health and change for the better?

You only have one life - live longer and make the most of every happy, healthy minute!

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