The Power Of Twitter

Image representing Twitter as depicted in Crun...Image via CrunchBaseI was interviewed by Mark Shaw @MarkShaw today as part of his series of Twitter Your Business Interviews.

You can listen to the full interview here.

One of the things that we both agree on, is that Twitter is a powerful, social networking tool and not just in the traditional sense.

We've seen just how powerful it can be in recent news headlines about who said or did what, as reported on Twitter -  super-injunction, stealth operation or not.  Breaking news now often happens on Twitter first and not the 24hr news channels.

On a smaller scale, Twitter can be just as powerful for you and your business.  It's about giving and sharing - the more you give and share, the more you'll get back in return.

  • Respond to requests for information.
  • Pass on requests (RTs).
  • Share information and advice.
  • Offer your words of wisdom.

Last week someone posted an urgent request for a photographer for her wedding the following day.  It got passed around the Twittersphere and within a few hours, she'd found a photographer - at the last minute, for a Bank Holiday weekend.

I've seen things like this happen time and time again.  People make a request or plea and within minutes or at the most a couple of hours, people on Twitter will come up with a number of referrals, recommendations, suggestions, options and support.

Paul Smith, otherwise known as @Twitchhiker, managed to hike to the other side of the world in just 30 days using the goodwill and generosity of the people on Twitter.

There aren't many means of communication that can be as instant, responsive and supportive.

What examples have you had of how Twitter has helped you or how you've helped others?
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