Networking Tips #9 - What To Say

mouthImage by Darwin Bell via FlickrSo, you've arrived, you've found someone to talk to, now what?

Talk about the event - have they been before, are they a member, do they know many people, have they come far ...?  All good openers.

Don't talk about you and your business and what a great job you can do for them.  That comes later.

One of the best things you can do at a networking event is to listen - ask open questions and get them to talk about themselves.

Find out about them - what are their challenges, what keeps them awake at night?  How are things going for them at the moment?

You can even talk about anything but business.  Weather is always a great topic of discussion - especially in this country!  Holidays, hobbies, interests - get to know them as a person.

After all - people do business with people they know, like and trust.
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