Four Simple Steps For Effective Feedback

Feedback is an important way for leaders to communicate and manage their teams.

Feedback can be positive and 'constructive' (rather than negative).

It's important to give both types of feedback, rather than just always giving one (usually constructive).

Avoid linking the two – giving with one hand and taking away with the other.

How To Deliver Effective Feedback

Be timely. Give feedback as soon as possible otherwise the relevance and effectiveness is lost.

Be aware of your body language, tone and words. Avoid using confrontational words or tone if you have more challenging behaviour or performance to discuss.

Be direct, open and honest. Consider their frame of reference – it may be different from yours, which may affect the message they hear. What are their values, attitudes and experiences?

Four Steps For Effective Feedback

1. Be specific. What are the facts as you see them? Describe the specific actions and behaviours you observed. What specifically was said or done?

2. Your thoughts. What impact has their action had on other people, the business or in general? What are your thoughts, opinions or conclusions as a result of the action? Remember they are your thoughts so state this – “I think that …”. Link what you observed to what you thought.

3. Your feelings. How do you feel about the situation (NOT about the individual) – frustrated, disappointed, pleased – “I feel…” not “You made me feel …”

4. The outcome. What is the result or outcome you want? What do you want them to change, improve, stop or continue? Be clear about what you want so they understand what they need to change or keep doing.

Once you have delivered the feedback, allow them to respond, especially with constructive feedback. Have they fully understood? Actively listen to what they say.

It's often more difficult to deliver constructive feedback but both forms need to be effective.

Plan your feedback

What is the reason for giving feedback - a job well done, an opportunity for improvement, a lesson to be learned.

When and where will you give it? It may take only a few seconds or a few minutes but the time and place needs to be appropriate. A brief thank you or a planned meeting.

If you need additional information on providing feedback or you want to discuss a specific situation you're facing - Get In Touch.

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