You get home - it's been a long day, so you grab a bite to eat, switch off and relax.
The next day - you add the training folder full of notes to the pile or slot it on to a bookshelf. You might be thinking about some of the things you learned on the day.
During the course of the next week you might implement a few of the things you picked up with the motivation of your new found enthusiasm but within a couple of weeks you've probably forgotten most of it and you've slipped back into your usual habits and routine.
So, how do you make the intention stick? How do you make the changes and keep the momentum going until they've become new habits or ways of working or being that you want.
As soon as possible after the seminar, workshop or event - review the material and your notes. The more often you review the more likely it will stick in your longer term memory.
Set your intention and focus. What is it that you really want to achieve by making these changes or doing things differently, what is the underlying benefit that you'll get from it (it's often not what you initially think)?
Don't try to change too much at once - you'll feel overwhelmed and more likely to stop doing everything. Just make one small change at a time.
Make it easy - how are you going to fit these new changes into your work or lifestyle? If it's too complicated or expensive it's less likely to happen. Ironically, you might want to make the changes but you're 'too busy' ... 'you'll do it later' and of course 'later' never happens.
Commit to taking action. If you've come away with a list of 'to-dos' add them to your daily, weekly, monthly action list - set aside time for them.
Follow-up - both with yourself and others. If you've committed to doing something, review your progress on a regular basis - you're less like to fall off the wagon and more likely to stick with it.
The key to success and the way to get the greatest benefit from any training or self-improvement course is to make yourself accountable, constantly review your progress and keep motivated.
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