Grow Your Followers On Twitter

Follow me on Twitter logoFollow me on Twitter via WikipediaSomething I often get asked about Twitter is how to grow your followers.  It's relatively easy to grow the people you follow if you spend a few minutes a day actively finding people to follow but how do you get people to follow you?

Well, this might depend on whether you want to put a little time and effort in to Twitter and create a following organically or if you want to use some of the automation tools that are available.

Automation tools like TweetAdder will enable you to increase your followers based on certain filters but you may be playing the numbers game rather than building a targeted following.

Some people automatically follow you back when you Follow them, so that's one way to increase your Followers.

People are more likely to follow you if you have something interesting to say.

Have conversations, share information, re-tweet other people's tweets - if people see you engaging with people they follow, they're more likely to follow you.

Share information 80% of the time and 'sell' 20% of the time or less.

What goes around, comes around.  If you follow more people, the chances are more people will follow you.

Patience and persistence pay off.  Don't expect thousands of people to start following you as soon as you start using Twitter.  It does take time.

If you're not going to spend the time, don't get involved.  Think about your reasons for being on Twitter (or any other social media platform).  If you have an objective and a strategy, you're far more likely to get results and have people following you.

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