Mental Health In The Workplace

Today's news stories have, yet again, highlighted the issues of mental health in the workplace and the very different attitudes that employees and employers have to those with mental health problems.

One person - admitted to their problems and then became the subject of ridicule and abuse from fellow employees.

Another person was supported by their management and able to continue with work, although they still had to take time off work.

An increasing number of people are having to take time off work with mental health problems and related illness. However, they're unlikely to talk about it and keep it hidden from both friends, family and their employer.

Health problems can vary from stress; mild to severe depression; post-natal depression; anxiety - leading to panic attacks and phobias; bi-polar/manic depression; personality disorders; drug or alcohol abuse related to mental health.

One in four of us will suffer from mental health problems at some time in our life.

Undiagnosed and untreated - mental health problems tend to get worse, resulting in poor performance, loss of productivity and increased absenteeism at work, which ultimately affects the bottom line.

Treatment varies from self-help for milder symptoms to mediation and psychiatric treatments.  There's a lot you can do to look after your own mental health.  Recognise the symptoms before they get worse.  Talk to your doctor about the best treatment for you and your particular situation.

If you can or feel comfortable doing so - talk to your manager, HR or occupational health about your situation.

Don't suffer in silence and don't feel you're alone

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