Tips For Busy Working Mums

Before she even gets to work, the average working mum has already spent two hours sorting out herself, her children, her home and her other half before leaving for the workplace - according to a recent survey by Stylist magazine.

The research found that eight in 10 working mothers feel they have “already done a day’s work before they even arrive at the office” and more than half of those without children think the same.

Streamline your early morning routine to make life easier on yourself and those around you.
  • Have a planner pinned up so you know who's meant to be where when ... and of course check it every day.
  • Put things away at the end of the day so you know where to find them the next morning.
  • Keep gym kit, dancing kit etc all together, so you're not searching around for it when the children are off to school.
 General time-saving tips:
  • Order your shopping online - saves hours traipsing round the supermarket aisles.
  • Plan your meals - a weekend roast can be made into stew > risotto > pasta meal > soup. You'll also know what you're eating when.
  • Batch cook - make enough for more than one meal at a time - freeze the rest for later when you don't have time to cook.
  • Get the rest of the family to help out - Mum doesn't have to do everything.  Keeping rooms tidy, putting things away, getting dressed - even helping out with household chores.
More time tips, articles and resources on my website.

1 comment:

Lily Iatridis said...

How true! By the time I get to my desk at 9a.m. I'm ready to take a deep breath and have a short break. Thanks for the tips. I'm not that good at the cooking-in-advance part yet. Would you have any recommendations for reasonably priced, healthy food prep services so that I don't have to deal with the cooking at all? I'd love to hear your feedback on that.


Lily Iatridis